OAK Away Day progress

Big thanks go out to Karen Frost from Values Based Leadership for the OAK planning session on Saturday. Everyone has been working hard recently to prepare all of the things needed to keep the project moving and to get all the aspects in place for the feasibility reports. The weekend was a great opportunity to have a look at what has happened in the last six months to a year, take stock and plan the next few months. It is amazing to appreciate that a spark of an idea is now a Community Interest Company (CiC) - Open Arms Kington, with a formal group, a website and funding to collate reports on youth and community consultations.

Rural Media are also continuing with their conversations with young people aged 13-25 and have a survey nearly ready to go out soon with questions to ask about what it is like to live, learn and work in and around Kington.

Kington has its own space on their website: pointofviewrural.com/kington

You can also read more about the work that Rural Media do with young people in Herefordshire on their website: pointofviewrural.com


Guest blog post


Talking to the young people of Kington