Guest blog post

The ideas are pouring out in Kington…

By Toni Cook, Rural Media P.O.V. Creative Producer

Toni is talking to young people in and around Kington and recently wrote this piece for the Rural Media Point of View (P.O.V.) blog

“What I love about living here is the same as what I hate about living here, I mean, I love that it is in the middle of nowhere and you can walk for five minutes, and you are in the countryside and there is no one else around and then I hate that it is in the middle of nowhere and there is nothing here.”

This is one of many views from young people living in Kington and the surrounding area who are participating in a consultation that P.O.V. is facilitating on behalf of Open Arms Kington (OAK). We are trying to hear from as many young people aged 13-25 who live in the area who have something to say about their experiences of living in the small market town.

OAK is exploring the need and desire for a young person’s space in the town and finding out what young people think about that, what it might offer and how it may be run. Ideas are pouring out of young people already. They are thoughtful and insightful about the size of the town, the needs of not just themselves but other young people too. Access to activities has come up a lot already, what could be on offer and how to attract a broad range of young people. As always young people, when you actually ask them, have a massive wealth of knowledge and ideas. Sound systems, music nights, seed swaps, visual arts and crafting workshops, sustainable living advice and employment pathways have been suggested by those we have spoken to so far. 

Over the next couple of months we hope to connect with as many young people as we can, through interviews, discussions and surveys to get their views aired and platformed. If you know someone aged 13-25 who’d like to get involved please email me at to as soon as possible.


Market Day Stand


OAK Away Day progress