Launching…the Youth Advisors Group
So far, as a result of participation in the Young People’s Consultations study by Rural Media, 12 young people, aged between 13 and 22, have volunteered, or agreed, to become Open Arms Kington Youth Advisors.
Open Arms Kington Youth Advisors Group is a way for young people (between 13 and 25) to be heard, take a lead and help shape and progress the project. especially the component that is dedicated to improving the well-being of Kington’s Under 25s.
April 22nd was an important and happy day for us at Open Arms Kington as it marked the first live meeting of the Youth Advisors Group. We met at The Oxford Arms (thanks Fred) with Toni Cooke and Lauren Rogers from Rural Media and Judith, Jess, Patrick and Kim from the Open Arms Kington “over-25s”. On the agenda was what a social space for young people could be like, how it could be a safe and inclusive space and ideas about activities and events it would be good to organise over the next 6 months. Watch this space!
Have a look at the film that Rural Media produced with some of our youth consultation group - you can see it on the Young People of the website.