Market Day Stand

We had a lovely time at our stand in Kington market on Friday 28th January. It was cold - but we were thrilled that so many people came to talk to us and we had some wonderful conversations.

It is really important to us that we are not undertaking this as an isolated group, but instead, that we are taking into account the thoughts and feelings of everyone that we can. Chatting in the market forms an important part of this alongside the youth consultations, official meetings and conversations with advisors. The conversations that we had on Friday were illuminating, fascinating and vital to ensuring that we hear what people want to say.

We hope to return to the market in a few weeks time and we will be holding similar drop in events at The Oxford Arms on Feb 10th and 17th. These will take place between 10am and 1pm on the 10th and the same morning slot on the 17th followed by an evening session at 6pm until 8pm.

Please do come along and say hello - we look forward to seeing you.


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