Latest News from Open Arms - November 2022

Thank you so much for taking an interest in Open Arms Kington CiC and our aim to purchase Kington’s Oxford Arms with the vision of preserving this landmark building as one of the town’s most cherished pubs and community venues whilst also investing in the creation and development of an inclusive and vibrant community hub for Kington. 


We are really grateful to you for your contribution to our consultation process and for signing up to receive news from us. You may have noticed that we have been very quiet for some time but all the while in the background our team of volunteers has been beavering away to take the project forward. 

There has been very little news to share whilst this work has been ongoing but finally we are delighted to tell you that…

We have made an offer on the Oxford Arms which has been accepted!

This means that in the New Year we should be the new key holders and be ready to embark on the next exciting stage of the journey!

We have asked questions, welcomed lots of feedback and learnt a lot along the way so far. It has been incredible to hear how much support there is for the project.  Community ownership has been at the heart of our of vision and we are welcoming ideas on how to successfully achieve this for the benefit of the town.

We will be at The Kington Winter Food Festival on Saturday 3rd December, we hope that you will be able to come and see us to share your views or just to say ‘hello'.

Finally we wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for your continued support. It makes such a difference and we do appreciate every smile and cup of tea and friendly face.



It’s happening!


Friends of Open Arms Kington Get Together